Webdesigner & Game Developer

I am an self taught game developer, educated as a webdesigner and a eletrican.

My main skill is programming, but i love to explore and expand my boundaries. Over the past years, i have made many small projects, you can follow some of them here.

If you have any questions, or need any work done, you are more than welcome to contect me, and i will be glad to help you out.


Contact or Hire Me

Here you can contact me about any matter, even if it is work related, or you just have some basic questions that you like to have anwsered. I am willing to help you out as much as possible.

I am also available for hire, depending on the size of the project, i am willing to make discount offers.

Looking forward to hear from you.

The Bunker

Is a multiplayer based survival game, where you have to work together with your teammates to solve puzzels, and try to escape the harsh environments of the game.

The game is in very early development state, and will soon be open for beta testing.

Sneak Peek

Game Launcher

The past years i have always wanted a game launcher for my unreal engine 4 projects, so i decided to create one that i could re-use for my future projects.

The game launcher comes with an auto patching system, to ensure that the game clients always are up-to-date. The build in webbrowser in the launcher, can show game news or updates realtime, and is created with plain HTML, jQuery and CSS. Project page will come soon!

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Epic "Spring Jam" 2019

I was a part of a group that won Epic "Spring Jam - Marketplace Takeover 2019", we won in the category "Not an Asset Flip".

The topic was "The other site of the coin", so we created a guy, that should navigate around in his work office with VR glasses on, having fun, but constantly watching out for the manager to catch him play.

Project Link

Join my discord

I created a discord for my web page, so that people could get in touch with me more quickly.
Or just to share knowledge from my projects.

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